By Ben Bartlee
As far as I am concerned, there are two options here, each of which is equally plausible:
The Karamel-uh entity overheard the true impetus of the Climate Change™ hoax at some point and didn’t realize or forgot that she’s not supposed to say the quiet part out loud
The social engineers are simply getting more brazen in their declaration of intentions, and so these comments were intentionally inserted into the Karamel-uh entity’s speech — later to dismiss it as a “gaffe” — to move the Overton window in the direction of global genocide
Either way, these words escaping the lips of a possible future president (and maybe sooner that we realize if the MIA Brandon entity never resurfaces and is declared dead from COVID or domestic terrorism or whatever) should be front page news everywhere.
What explanation I don’t buy is the framing by the White House, relayed via the New York Post uncritically, that this was a “gaffe.”
Via New York Post (emphasis added)
“Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday called on the US to ‘reduce population’ in an effort to combat climate change, but she meant to say ‘reduce pollution,’ according to the White House.
The shocking gaffe happened as the 58-year-old vice president delivered remarks at Coppin State University in Baltimore, Md., on the need to build a ‘clean energy economy.’
‘When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,’ Harris said, eliciting applause from the audience.
The official White House transcript of her speech acknowledges and corrects Harris’ disquieting error.*
In the transcript, ‘population’ is crossed out and ‘pollution’ is added in brackets to denote what the VP intended to say.”
*This is gaslighting nonsense; shame on the New York Post for printing it. Transcripts are supposed to reflect what was actually said, not edited later on to say whatever the governing authorities would like them to say.
She declares depopulation as the agenda clear as day in the video below:
Kackala Trannis of the Cleft Wing, along with Trumpowitz of the Blight Wing, in the Kosher Kryptocracy's Kontrol Kage, exemplify the perfect candidates for the Oval Orifice in the Union of Soviet States of America. The Yids should throw a chimp or two in the race as well for giggles. Of course the chimps would be mandated to don yarmulkes and kiss the Wailing Wall. On a consistent basis the words of the late, David Lane, flash through my mind. "For the White Race to live, America must die."
Remember what this moron said!!! Go out and procreate. Grow your own food. Find local farmers and buy from them.
Be brave! Stay positive and strong.
John 14:27