They created 'Bird Flu' so that people are forced to take their so-called vaccines.

It's one of their main intentions/ objectives.

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And in their own words, there is no real bird flu that has moved from bird to human yet! They said it. So a shot for a future illness... that's a thing!

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Why oh why are they STILL lining up💉🩹ffs?

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Because they got away with it the last time?

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Last time fear did it, on purpose of cause.

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My question too, and so the concept of NPCs takes on a new meaning.

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Well many players were hidden, but not all. Fauci was there with Birx and the legacy media, social media, anyone getting kickbacks or profit for jabbing us. Sad that even our own family drs were recommending it. Probably getting kickbacks too. People who have not been injured yet, still think they did the right thing getting vaxed. With the Covid jabs it was intentional to kill people slowly not to be noticed. Some people got placebos, some got highly toxic jabs. That’s been proven in Canada. But lots of people have been injured and they have been utterly poisoned. Prison is too soft for those evil people involved. Just jab them up with so called safe and effective Covid jabs daily and watch them suffer seems more appropriate and cheaper.

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Well if the Bird Flu vax is killing people, let them have it!

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From the news I read one person died from bird flu and she was severely immune compromised. The hoax continues. If people choose to listen to all the deceptions and lies to get a bird flu vax, they can…. I will not!!!! People still think the FDA & CDC are legitimate. Heads in the sand I guess. They may wake up, they may not. Bring it on RFK Jr.

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Sad, isn’t it!

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Because they are not awake yet and believe everything MSM or the government tells them! Oh I failed to mention the FDA and the CDC !

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I wonder why people are so dumb about this stuff? We see it, they don’t! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Cause they didn’t kill enough sheeple the first time around …

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If people are still taking vaccines now after Covid vaccines they must need their heads examined but you would be surprised how many sheepel 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑there are still around and the evil scum are still praying on them

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Gates is working on mosquitoes to carry vaccines! They bite and inject vaccine in arms, etc. gates working on hiding the sun which is necessary for our health, plants, animals. Real bastard

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The LUNATIC is a MADMAN etc.

The PSYCHOPATH is hell bent, to even deprive us of god given essential natural sunlight.

No Sunlight= No Photosynthesis= Lower/ Less Oxygen

Yet this mass murdering PSYCHOPATH + its ilk, are still roaming free.

Surely is mind boggling/ blowing etc.

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Okay, so lets dispense for a moment with all the surrounding conditions and focus just for a moment on the core issue: Why are vaccines killing and injuring people?

What is it about a vaccine that makes it dangerous?

What is the genuine actual real proof that vaccines work?

Personally, I don't want to hear from hired experts, actors, sold out doctors, pundits, or government employees. I want to see some facts.

Are there any?

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Yes, I believe there are, Mike. You might be interested in following Dr Peter McCullough's Courageous Discourse Subtack page. He's pretty reliable in publishing factual information as it becomes available. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/

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It's just another filthy mRNA booster for thinning the herd.

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The FDA has no idea what “safe and effective” means. Why would anyone listen to a made up illness or any government agency? As far as I’m concerned after witnessing the entire covid debacle, all federal agencies need to be closed down. What a bunch of incompetent bull. It’s not the America I grew up in. MAGA, MAHA. Bring it on!!!!!! 💪🏻

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For the love of God, wake up people, lets not go thru this again!

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Ah, totally agree. But the sheep always follow. Hard to watch during Covid.

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I know!

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Stuff they never tell you

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Exactly. It's like they've created an artificial reality for us to live in.

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Well I don’t listen, but many do. That’s their choice and they know people will listen.

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If the rate of deadly adverse events in the experimental arm was 5 times as great as in the placebo arm, that's a screaming siren and flashing red light. They can't just judge they "weren't related to the vaccine".

Also this study didn't have a true placebo if the "placebo" arm had 15% serious adverse events for older people.

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Good points, Skeptical.

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Who give a shot w that hand grasp? Staged photo but I do believe ppl died from the bird flu shots

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I WILL NOT COMPLY! MY 45 super Enforces what I said!

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They just won’t give up, will they! Sadly there will be those who got their first vaccines (if they aren’t deceased yet) that will buy into it again 😿😿😿😿😿😿

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Sounds like 11 more idiots gone

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Not enough people died from the Covid vaccine.

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Will never get bird flu vaccine or fake covid disaster

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