So will they show up at our door with AK 47's and force us to take the poison? WHY are we not speaking up or doing something? Isn't it over due?!

I've already been disabled by their poison since 2017, before they rolled it out to the masses.

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We have about 1000 members in our freedom group here in New Plymouth, and we plan to all turn up together at the jail and turn ourselves in.

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Will these megalomaniacs never stop?


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They will have to stop, Leslie, when the US dollar crashes. It's only a matter of months now.

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I hope you are right Stuart because this is the only way to wrest the iron grip of the Banksters on our world. My colleagues at BOOM Economics think otherwise:


I would to have your side of this thesis, Stuart - how will the US dollar collapse? By what mechanism?

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NO , Leslie - it's a cult driven by the Banksters who are running scared that they will lose all their phantom wealth in the coming crash. https://www.globalresearch.ca/power-behind-throne-forever-wars/5851240

This why Digital IDs and CBDCs are coming fast now: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/central-bank-imposed-digital-currencies?r=hkcp6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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At the time of the fake pandemic, I was living off season in a 4000$ a month beach house in Long Beach, NY, a mile or two from Kennedy Airport "the epicenter.” Nobody was dying and my landlord a Bidenesta had no qualms about raising her rent to its regular rates come May. I wasn’t paying that to live in the White House. I had some money so I embarked on an epic tour of America East of the Mississippi that culminated in a summer on South Padre Island, the furthest reaches south on Americas east coast. The mayor of South Padre Island did not believe in COVID and I had the time of my life there as a guest of the illustrious Hunt crowd, yes the same Hunts that killed JFK. The town over the bridge to the mainland; Port Isabel, was also dubbed an epicenter by these creatures who have commandeered America. Again, nobody died. In fact, nobody died from anything all along the way, except a couple of green berets I knew from Tennessee who died from having respirators shoved down their throats. So, I speak with more authority than any of these quack doctors, that never left their houses when I tell you: there was no virus it was the flu. They cannot weaponize a virus, if such a thing even exists. What they can weaponize is the vaccine they will use to neuter or euthanize you at their discretion. What we have here, very simply is an end of the world scenario for most of the inhabitants of those 194 states. At the behest of Bill Gates hired terrorist, at gun point, they will inject you with self-assembling nano platforms, courtesy of the boys at Harvard and Dr. Charles Lieber, and wrest your body from your soul and deliver it to their “cell phone towers.” You will be soulless, dead to God and the Devil, exactly as you were warned a hundred years ago by Rudolf Steiner. I now live in a red state surrounded by well-armed combat veterans, and we are ready for them. The rest of you better start killing your legislators yesterday...

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That's quite a tale, Jack. We don't exactly have red states here in New Zealand, but owing to an economy based on agricultural exports, 2/3 of our population still lives in "rural/provincial" regions. The split between us and urban New Zealand has been growing steadily over the last ten years, fueled mainly by the debate over water fluoridation and "1080" drops, this poison they've been dropping from helicopters (banned everywhere but New Zealand), allegedly to kill predators that eat Kiwi eggs. A number of dissidents moved down here from Auckland (where the lockdowns were the worst) and from Australia during the worst of the pandemic and many never went home.

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All true Jack, thank you for sharing. My colleague is covering much of the aftermath, updated twice weekly, on the link at my Letter. The evidence is indisputable but still THEY persist.


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Great link, Protect. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you, Jack - I will respond, as we are brothers in adversity and must stay together. :-)

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