
Thanks for your really thoughtful comment, Skeptical. I don't think there are any easy answers to the questions you raise.

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The country is just polarizing faster and further. I think we are going to split in the next 30 years if nothing worse happens first.

Leaving the southern border open is true grounds for impeachment, as it is willful dereliction of one of the most fundamental duties of a government - protection from invasion.

The others - not so much. Afghanistan was bad, but it's a done deal, and it probably should involve a shake up of people in the military. Hunter Biden - maybe? I don't know know as much about it as I should.

Renters moratorium - No. Much of the worst stuff was done while Trump was in office. Shutting down schools, "non-essential" businesses, churches. Letting operation warp speed get started. We need to have hearings, try undo some of the damage, and hang some CDC figures from lampposts, but this shouldn't be impeachment stuff.

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