
Sorry, Peter, I find it really hard to conceive of Elon Musk being as altruistic as you make out.

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It is not Elon Musk's fault.That electric vehicles are a trend dujour. However , since he is a worldwide leading technologist , he will do these vehicles better faster cheaper and smarter than anyone else. Why should this market sector be left to the big five automakers to screw us? Besides , elon is working on the boring projects Space x and populating mars To save The human genome.

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Great article and something I've been saying myself with regards to EVs. CO2 is to plants what O2 is to humans and animals. As more C02 is released in the air, more plant growth occurs, which then results in more oxygen production. I much rather have more C02 than millions of tons of toxic metals polluting the rivers, lakes, oceans and even the air. Heavily metals are already a serious health issue in most countries. Lead, arsenic, mercury, aluminum and cadmium are some of the biggest threats to our health.

People really need to wake up to this fraud called EVS. Here is the equation for photosynthesis which most tree huggers and WEF acolytes apparently have never seen:

6CO2 + 6H20 >>(+light)>> C6H1206 + 6O2:

In words: Carbon dioxide plus water plus light result in Sugar and Oxygen.

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I first began to smell a rat, Dawn, when the WEF became a champion of the climate issue.

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