Ebright is not a chemist. He's a professor of chemistry and chemical biology. The lab is not level 4. It's a level 3, which is much less safe. Level 4 would have better safeguards. Level 3 is wholly inadequate. Gain of function research was banned in the US during the Obama regime. The ban was circumvented anyway, and then lifted in 2017. The Daily Mail is maintaining its tradition for badly botched reporting.

Jessica Rose, Byram Bridle, El Gato Malo and Eugyppius—all on Substack—have some very good reporting on this.

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Thanks for the clarification, James.

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They didn't kill enough of us the first time.

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Well then why aren't you killing them yet?

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I supposed that's one strategy, Jack, but a tricky one. Scientists are a dime a dozen. I prefer to go for the long game.

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Scientists are a penny a dozen doctor, but a penny earned is a penny saved

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