Apr 13Liked by Stuart Bramhall

When this entire agenda perfected, and became its own vampire, I noticed how the children had learned to deal with the anxiety of the adult world through the mask.

I wondered then, at the sheer evil, the implacable disassociation of the agenda, and its hunger to do harm.

A society that devours its children devours its future, so the course of this one is set.

There is no mistake here. All that can be seen is pure intention.

The supposition of course, is that certain people can work behind closed doors and make this world in their image. Its almost sad that they think such, lost as they are in the fantasy of their own agency. Almost, because the evil they fulfill with knowledge precludes any sadness at their actions, rather instilling a death knell to their ideology, their religion, and themselves long overdue.

In the days that will arrive, we will all get to see the frustration of the agenda of this evil. There are ways beyond, strategies stronger than the evil that was done.

It will be awesome to observe, when life returns to its next breath, and the death science breaks apart into dust.

In the meantime, it could be worthwhile to recall exactly who plastered their face all over the media to sell the world death, if for no other reason than to avoid purchasing their poison ever again.

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You're probably right, RU. An article came out today that they've already started manufacturing vaccines against bird flue.

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I read a study a year or so ago and should have kept it.

In a few sentences buried in the study it mentioned that the vax does suppress influenza.

I’m guessing disease X will probably be an influenza virus that will cause many deaths to people not exposed to influenza for years. Plus their immune system is weakened. It’s a recipe for disaster.

I thought another article mentioned that we should be taking ivermectin? Dang. I can’t remember. Lol.

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What's Bossche mean by "...avoid reinfection"?

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