Well first off then… We have to stop calling it a vaccine when it is in fact not a vaccine & instead is an mRNA Gene Therapy.

We can never get to true transparency & understanding by continuing to mislabel & miss identifying even the actual real terms & names of these things.

People have a vague idea of what inoculation means with how an actual vaccine works… almost No one has any idea of how Gene Therapies work or what they even are or that they even exist.

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Good point, Grand Schemes. Unfortunately I have very little control over what New Zealand's politicians say or do. From my point of view, it's an important first step that an elected politician somewhere is calling for a genuine investigation to the immense harm caused by the Pfizer jabs.

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I agree

Like I very much dislike Our legal weed market with all the big business issues here in Colorado & other states here in the US, but I will absolutely concede that this is certainly better than locking people up in cages over it.

So yes for sure I’m glad to see some progress made here.

I didn’t mean to come across like I was shitting on this.

I just like to Point out important Points to Ponder.

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