I warned them about this nine years ago doctor in Veterans Today and Nexus Magazine. I even spent a month with the DoD (on their dime) at the Jacksonville Naval Base and the beach resort they rented me in St Agustine. Consequently, those iconic alternative media publications have been ruined and me marginalized. Recently my cousin the Sage of Quay tried to put back up the YouTube video that me and him did on it and his whole blog was removed from the internet, permanently he had to make a new one. Americans did nothing about it and now I gotta look at these COVID mutts like Stew Peters (Stupider) they've inserted into the internet rake in donations and talk nonsense about a Christian nation that never was. The gestation for a human baby is nine moons. Can you blame me for kind of looking forward to 2025?

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Golly gee, Jack, sounds like the DoD thought they were paying you for something other than the pleasure of your company. Question, I know Rumble is a joke - are either Bitchute or Odyssee any better? I, too, am really looking forward to 2025. I think we'll give these assholes a run for their money.

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I don't use any of them doctor but that's just me my cage is escape proof. Their even into my Icelandic server. Maybe you'll have better luck.

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When the queen of the dammed pushed the button at balmoral castle Jack on what looked like a triple helix light show and the press were publishing articles on 3 parent feautus? .Well here we are now where the vast majority have altered their 2 strands of DNA to 3 and all the animals are now going into the ark 3x3 the 72 .000 of each strand is no longer 144.000 but 216.000 , Being closely related to some polymath called Herschel makes me good at numbers, and I do not like the ones I am seeing rolled out in the 1400 days since the roll out of the experimental genetic shot I stopped counting at 110 million deaths about the average 5 year numbers

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You make the future sound quite bleak, George B. I'm wondering what percentage of people in third world countries escaped the clot shot? I imagine the percentages might be fairly high owing to their shambolic health care delivery.

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Something sure doesn't like the white ones in the pack stuart and since 1900 there has been a decrease of 20 + % in the figures of caucasian worldwide , when you look at the 1948 UNHCR definition of genocide and look around at all the idiots with their heads stuck in the sand quietly saying to themselves it will not be me !!, I was getting banned and deleted 10 years ago for pointing this out ,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU_yUBFmoxg&pp=ygUiVXRvcGlhIHNlY3JldHMgYmVoaW5kIHRoZSB2YWNjaW5lIA%3D%3D ,in the above YouTube clip the deaths start in the orkney islands it's from 2013 in 1982 the Falklands war saw heavy casualties of both SAS & SBS soldiers while taking a science station in the south orkney islands and then the weird deaths of Marconi scientists shortly thereafter? The black goo starts to appear in television shows soon after , maybe a read of General Chi Hoating s leaked speech will bring you up to speed , I am good at painting pictures Stuart real good and excellent fun at parties

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What is interesting of course, is the western propaganda media tries to tell the public that Russia is the aggressor to the world and must be obliterated and broken into 'manageable' pieces.

One would think then that such an 'aggressor' in the context of bioweapons, would have the majority of such bioweapon labs on the planet.

The stark contrast in the map show in your article Stuart, shows only two level 4 lab facilities appear in Russia whereas North America and Europe among other western nations, are apparently covered with them.

Seems to me the west are the perpetrators in development and utilization of such risks to humanity, at least that is the simple and logical conclusion from a cursory investigation.

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Seems like a very rational conclusion, King2. To be honest, I haven't tuned into any form of Western mainstream media since August 2020.

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Neither do I pay attention to the western media. Have not had a TV in my house for more than 30 years. I read quite a few books from my library in the house and any news I have a look at it from the citizen journalist crowd with photo and or video from their posts. For opinion pieces, I think sub stack is an enormous resource for the curious mind))

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Thank you for this important link. Anthony Fauci was NOT the head of the bioweapons research snake.

I will subscribe to Peter McCullough now. I should have before, but I have a lot of substack subscriptions and sometimes get overwhelmed.

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Excellent point, Skepical. Fauci was just the tip of the iceberg.

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