It's all done Revelation of the Method style, right in our faces. What a hoot they have.


Love this video, Hoodwinked in Shanksville https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2_em8G6DJE

The MOST important element of 9/11 is the False Dilemma propaganda strategy. They, of course, anticipated that a small percentage of people would not believe their nonsense story so they had a propaganda stream just for them.

False Dilemma

Story A for the believers: Terrorists

Story B for the Disbelievers: US government

Reality C: US government but death and injury staged

In fact, all events perceived by some to be false flags employ the False Dilemma propaganda strategy. The evidence shows there's no such thing as a "false flag", they're all 100% psyops and "false flag" is a propaganda narrative pushed by those in power so that everyone gets it wrong - believer and disbeliever alike.


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Brilliant analyisis, Petra. I love it.

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Of course all this raises the question of the legitimacy of government.

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But only since 1963, Mike.

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