Amazon is a front for Wall Street in their quest to kill retailers, and Jeff Bezios a straw man just like Zuckerberg and Musk. What I want to know is will I be compensated for Amazons deliberate destruction of my book sales, not to Mention the hundreds and hundreds of dollars they ripped me off banging Phils credit cards and my debit cards simply because they felt like it.

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I've had many of the same experience, Jack. They don't care who they screw over, whether it's writers or small retailers. And now they're moving in to take over pharmacy services and on-line counseling and medical services.

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Indeed. It's "corporate mission" is to destroy smaller retailers. The government must be subsidizing it to the tune of hundreds of billions, easy to do in the final throes of the monetary system when the currency is going down anyway and they're just subsidizing it with worthless money.

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023Author

Besides destroying small retailers, the way Amazon treats their employees is even worse than the way Uber treats theirs. In the book Nomadland, Jessica Bruder describes how they deliberately recruit homeless retired people (by advertising in the campgrounds where they sleep in their vehicles) over the holiday rush and knowingly pay them less than they need to live on.

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Not surprising for Amazon which started as a little site that sold books into the on line behemoth. What is the deal with Amazon 🐍 they have some sort of deal with USPS to deliver their shit everyday including SUNDAY when there isn’t even regular delivery?? So can we conclude Amazon is another government/DARPA/DOD/ kosher “entity” like Facebook, Walmart, Twitter ..spying and consolidating power and money

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Those seem totally reasonable conclusions to me, Janet. I and numerous friends are part of an 11 year Amazon boycott: https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/ethicalcampaigns/boycott-amazon. I prefer to support my local bookseller by order books through them, or directly from the publisher. In the US, Powell Books in Portland and Barnes and Noble are excellent alternatives - or even Australian online booksellers like Fishpond and Booktopia, who both deliver in the US.

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Thanks for the link, I will check into it. I use Thrift Books..anything to NOT use Amazon for anything. No company gets to the level of Amazon without the holy grail government tax dollars

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If you got a criminal record and just happen to be a delivery driver ring doorbell flags you as a criminal coming to your house I have heard in the states and one very knowledgeable computer guy I read online sent a FOI request about the speakers and was flabbergasted at the data it had recorded of him and his family even from well outside of what they say the range is ,this dude ain't no dummy and was shocked at what was there .. everywhere that BLM burned in America Amazon snapped up for cents on the dollar as if by magic see a video by Catherine Austin Fitts on that one

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Wow, George. That's just plain disgusting.

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